What to Do When You Knock Out a Tooth

Knock Out a Tooth

Anyone can suffer a knock out a tooth during accidents, assaults, or sports. A knocked out or avulsed tooth leaves a deep hole filled with blood in the tooth socket. The tissues surrounding the injured tooth will bleed, swell, and cause pain. Fortunately, all teeth, including knocked-out front teeth, can be reinserted by our dentist at 6ix Eglinton Dental in Toronto, ON. However, knowing what to do after dental trauma is crucial. Read on for tips to help you save your knocked-out tooth.

Tips for a Knocked-Out Tooth

A tooth knocked out is a medical emergency and requires the attention of a dentist right away. However, there are some steps you should take before rushing to the dentist. Following the tips below precisely and fast will increase the chances of a successful tooth reinsertion.

Find Your Tooth Immediately

First, retrieve the broken piece and then rinse your mouth with warm salt water. Time is crucial in the survival of a knocked-out tooth. So, once a permanent tooth is knocked out, you should locate it as soon as possible. It is crucial because the longer the tooth stays out of the mouth, the less the chances of a successful restoration.

You can also use medication to relieve pain and apply pressure to stop bleeding. Place a cold compress outside the affected area to prevent swelling. Finally, visit the emergency dentist near you and take the pieces of the damaged tooth. The dentist may use them to restore it.

Handle the Tooth Carefully and Gently

When a tooth gets out of its sockets, it comes out with its ligaments. These tissues and nerve fibres help attach the tooth to the socket. When destroyed, the re-implant may fail. So, carefully pick the tooth by its crown (the white part used to chew) and not the root.

Do not remove the attached tissues; scrub or clean the tooth aggressively. In addition, don’t wipe it down or wrap it in paper towels or cloth. Instead, gently wipe dirt from the tooth or rinse it in warm water or milk. You can also lick it clean or bathe it in your saliva to help keep it alive before reaching the dentist near you.

Put the Tooth Back into Position

When the tooth is clean, use your fingers to gently push it back into the gap it created in its socket. Ensure it faces the right side, and do not force or shove it into place. Then, very lightly close your mouth to lodge it in place.

Store the Tooth Properly

If unable to place the tooth in its socket, hold it inside your mouth. Place it between the cheek and the gums in your mouth. Alternatively, you can place it in a small container or baggie containing whole milk or saliva. It helps keep the ligaments moist, which gives the tooth the best chance of re-implantation.

Visit a Dentist as an Emergency

Once you have followed the steps above, you should visit the emergency dentist at 6ix Eglinton Dental in Toronto, ON. Ensure you do so within half an hour to increase your chances of a successful re-implantation. The dental team will restore your tooth quickly and painlessly.

What Happens if You Cannot Find the Knocked-Out Tooth?

Sometimes, it is impossible to retrieve a knocked-out tooth, preventing re-implantation. The dentist will replace your lost tooth using artificial restorations in such cases. They may use the following restorations to improve your smile and chewing function.

Dental Implants: These are titanium posts inserted in the jawbone and then attached to dental crowns. They are ideal for replacing the back teeth.

Dental Bridges– They consist of artificial teeth in a row attached to dental crowns. They usually replace more than one knocked-out front tooth.

Denture: This is a removable false tooth that you take out to clean. These are ideal when you can’t undergo the procedure for installing dental implants or bridges.


Knocking your tooth out is painful, and often, it is unavoidable. The good news? There are tips to ensure pain relief and safe restoration. However, if the latter isn’t available, you can explore options like dental bridges and dentures to fill the gap.

Our dentist at 6ix Eglinton Dental in Toronto, ON, is committed to offering top-notch dental services in a relaxed environment. Contact us today for tooth restoration services, among other dental services.

6ix Eglinton Dental: Best Dentist in Yonge and Eglinton

Dr. Sobhi has been practising dentistry for over 14 years. She and her team of experienced dental professionals love helping patients achieve their healthiest and most beautiful smiles possible.

6ix Eglinton Dental proudly provides comprehensive dental care in Yonge and Eglinton. Our beautiful and modern office has the latest in dental technology which assists us in providing our patients with the best care possible.

For more information, You can find us in Dental Yonge and Eglinton to schedule an appointment in our office, schedule an appointment online or give us a call at (416) 220-0404.

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