Population Oral Health

Population Oral Health

Did you know that 6ixEglinton Dental is practicing the best services for the Population’s oral health? Yes, it is true. Indeed, our best team of dental experts is striving to offer expert services for the betterment of the whole community. The dental professionals at our dental office believe in the provision of the best oral health services to all our valued clients.

Some of the prime areas that our significant team members are treating in population oral health includes periodontal disease and systemic health, oral health in older adults, oral cancer prevention, oral health in young people, and oral health of people from low-income backgrounds.

Periodontal disease and systemic health in the population oral health

Periodontitis is also known as a severe gum infection that progresses to bone destruction. Moreover, this infection can also affect other tooth-supporting structures. Besides, this can also lead to a range of systemic diseases such as heart disease or other health issues.

There is a clear link between gum disease and other health issues. Have you ever had any gum issues? If yes, then there are chances that you may have any other health issues. Firstly, you should get an appointment with our experts for an evaluation of your oral health.  In the next step, our experts will guide you and discuss your oral health condition. Prevention is better than cure, if you will visit your dentist regularly then it will be a great intervention to prevent and/or control the course of the disease.

Population Oral health in older adults

Better population oral health is linked with various factors. With the technological and healthcare facilities there is an effective increase in the population of older adults. The older population also incline to hold their natural teeth well into old age. Subsequently, this will influence the nature and complication of care offered. At 6ixEglinton Dental we have an interdisciplinary method to improve the oral health and well-being of the older population.

Population oral health and Oral Cancer Prevention

Oral cancer is one of the main factors of death in the current era. There are several ways through which population oral health can be maintained by our expert dentists.  According to our expert dentists, there are associations between different risk factors and premalignant variations in the oral cavity. Our community dental team helps patients to form early diagnostic markers at high risk of the disease. Although there are various technological advancements that help our expert team to explore and identify high-risk populations.

Firstly, our best dental team assesses the oral health of the patients and then plans oral health promotion interventions to deliver to these populations. If an early finding of oral cancer is done then there are more chances of survival for the patients. It’s never late to get a dental checkup and this is the best time to book your appointment.

Oral Health in Young People

Dental anxiety in young people has a substantial effect on dental services. Offering treatment to people with dental anxiety is sometimes hard, time taking, and expensive, and can cause stress for the treating dental team. It is always a good idea to use oral health education to guide young people about their hood oral health. At 6ixEglinton Dental our dental experts offer up-to-date dental services that amazingly restore the oral health of the patients. In the case of young people, a good and sparkling smile can effectively restore the confidence and oral health of the patients.

At 6ixEglinton Dental we have a team of dentists who have expertise in clinical specialties with principles of dental public health and social sciences. Indeed, it helps the patients to understand and improve oral health and the well-being of populations. If you have any concerns regarding your oral health this is the best time to get the right treatment. Population oral health can be effectively achieved via the cooperation of the dental team and the patients.

6ix Eglinton Dental: Best Dentist in Yonge and Eglinton

Dr. Sobhi has been practising dentistry for over 14 years. She and her team of experienced dental professionals love helping patients achieve their healthiest and most beautiful smiles possible.

6ix Eglinton Dental proudly provides comprehensive dental care in Yonge and Eglinton. Our beautiful and modern office has the latest in dental technology which assists us in providing our patients with the best care possible.

For more information, You can find us in Dental Yonge and Eglinton to schedule an appointment in our office, schedule an appointment online or give us a call at (416) 220-0404.

Our Locations

Are you perplexed about the dental treatment you need? Or you are concerned about which dental clinic is the right option for your dental treatment? Don’t worry we have the best dentists in town with high-tech services. For your convenience, we have multiple dental offices at different locations. Let us know your location and queries we will guide you to your nearest dental office. The location of the dental offices is as follows: