Types of Mouth Guards for Teeth Protection

Type of Mouth Guards

Shielding your teeth from potential injury and damage is vital, especially when engaging in sporting activities or other activities that pose a risk to your oral health. This is where mouth guards come in. In addition to protecting your teeth during accidents, these devices reduce your susceptibility to concussions. Here, we discuss the different types of mouth guards and highlight their unique features and benefits. Read on!

What Is a Mouth Guard?

A mouth guard is a dental appliance that protects your teeth. Dentists recommend these appliances for several reasons, and they are different types available. Mouth guards can be worn by both kids and adults and typically fit over the upper teeth, although sometimes your dentist may also recommend the device for your lower teeth.

Types of Mouth Guards

The main types of mouth guards are:


These mouth guards come in a single size that you can customize to fit over your teeth. All you need to do is boil the mouth guard and wait for it to soften before putting it over your front teeth and biting down. Boil-and-bite mouth guards are relatively cheap and readily available in most drugstores.


Stock mouth guards are the most affordable and widely available mouth guards. They are available in large, medium and small sizes, and most of them cover only the top teeth. While they have several awesome features, stock mouth guards have limited size options, so wearing them for extended periods can cause some discomfort. In addition, they may alter your speech and not provide a snug fit.


True to their name, these mouth guards are custom-made by your dentists to suit your needs. Your dentist uses a mould of your teeth to create a mouth guard that matches your teeth and mouth structure. 

Custom-made mouth guards fit snuggly around your teeth, ensuring your comfort. Besides, they won’t dislodge accidentally as you sleep.

Uses of Mouth Guards

Why do people wear mouth guards? Here are some of the reasons:

Mouth Guards for Sports

Sporting activities such as boxing, football or hockey are highly likely to involve collision and impact. Wearing a mouth guard will help protect against mouth and teeth injuries, letting you enjoy the fun. While a boil-and-bite mouth guard is perfect during sports thanks to its perfect fit, discuss with your dentist whether you can opt for custom-made mouth guards or other types of mouth guards for sports.

Mouth Guards for Teeth Grinding

Mouth guards can also protect your teeth from the effects of grinding and clenching–characteristics of a disorder called bruxism. In addition to tooth pain and cracked teeth, bruxism can also cause sore gums and jaw pain.

A mouth guard creates a barrier between your top and bottom teeth, protecting them. While there are several types of mouth guards for bruxism, Custom-made mouth guards are the best choice.

Mouth Guards for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by the stoppage of breathing while sleeping. These episodes prevent the brain from getting sufficient oxygen, increasing your susceptibility to stroke and heart disease. 

Our dentist at Dental on Wellesley may recommend continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines for cases of moderate to severe sleep apnea. However, if it is mild, custom-made mouth guards are the way to go. In addition to concealing your teeth, the devices push your jaw and tongue forward, ensuring the airway stays open.

Mouth Guards for Snoring

Snoring results from the vibration of soft tissue located in the upper airway, and a mouth guard can help remedy this. The ideal choice is a custom-made mouth guard that works by keeping your airway open.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, choosing the right mouth guard is crucial for protecting your teeth during physical activities or teeth grinding. Whether you prefer stock, boil-and-bite, or custom-made options, it’s important to prioritize comfort and durability. 

For expert dental care and personalized mouth guard solutions, visit our dentist at Dental on Wellesley. With state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to patient satisfaction, we’re dedicated to helping you maintain a healthy and protected smile.

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