Cosmetic Dentistry Trends of 2023: Enhance Your Smile

Cosmetic Dentistry Trends

At the beginning of every year, it isn’t uncommon for people to devise a list of goals and resolutions. Often, these revolve around weight loss, travel and career progression, among many others. However, One thing that most people often forget to put on their New Year’s resolutions list is dental health, which is unfortunate. Although the year is slowly coming to an end, it isn’t too late to get that dream smile. Your smile determines people’s first impressions, so consider some cosmetic dentistry trends that may work for your teeth.

In this article, we highlight some of the cosmetic dentistry trends of 2023 worth investing in.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are a trend that has dominated the dental field in 2023 and many years before that. These are the simplest and quickest way to correct minor to moderate teeth imperfections. Common cosmetic concerns that veneers can solve include:

  • Misalignments
  • Discoloured teeth
  • Chipped teeth
  • Cracked teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Gaps between teeth

Before fitting them over your teeth, your dentist sheds off a tiny portion of your teeth’ outside surfaces. Next, they bond the veneers to the teeth surfaces, improving the aesthetics of your smile.

Are you considering getting veneers? One important thing to remember is that the process is irreversible. Also, follow your dentist’s instructions to keep the veneers in good condition, as chipping or cracking will necessitate replacement.

Teeth Whitening

Another cosmetic dentistry trend of 2023 that you’ve probably witnessed is teeth whitening. It is a fast and affordable way to brighten the shade of your teeth. Over time, it is normal for your teeth to get discoloured, thanks to lifestyle choices such as smoking, using certain medications and drinking coffee or red wine. If you notice your teeth are becoming dull and duller, it might be time to talk to your dentist about getting teeth whitening services.

A common question that people ask is whether professional teeth whitening and using over-the-counter whitening products achieve the same results, and the answer is no. The former is faster and safer, and its effects are longer-lasting than the latter.


Forget about braces. Invisalign is the newest kid on the block and is here to stay. More and more people are abandoning traditional braces and their uncomfortable brackets and wires for invisible aligners.

So why Invisalign? First and foremost, these aligners are invisible, meaning no one will notice you wearing them. In addition, they are more comfortable than traditional braces and can be easily removed during meal times, which is why we think this trend is here to stay.

Your dentist custom designs the clear aligners with the aid of a computer program, and once fitted, they gradually shift the teeth over the treatment course. Within a year or so, you can welcome your perfectly aligned smile.

Check out the invisalign advantage post to learn more

Tooth Coloured Fillings

Over the years, metal fillings have been a common solution for tooth cavities. However, they aren’t pleasant-looking, and in addition, they could harm your health. Thanks to advancements in cosmetic dentistry, you can now opt for tooth-coloured fillings. They are made from composite materials and tailored to resemble your natural teeth, and the result is a natural-looking smile that lasts for ages. Do you need more information about Tooth Coloured Filling check out other posts.

Dental Implants

Missing teeth can result in big gaps in the mouth. Besides denting your self-esteem, gaps in your teeth can cause severe complications such as tooth shifting and loss of bone density. This is where dental implants come in. A dental implant is a device that your dentist surgically places in the jawbone to provide anchorage for the missing teeth. Are you planning to get dental implants but are concerned about dental implant recovery? be sure to check out our companion blog post and read more about dental implant and Recovery Process

You should, however, remember that not everyone is a suitable candidate for dental implants. This is because the devices have to bond with the jawbone, which may not be possible if your bones are unhealthy. So before starting on this path, ensure you undergo thorough examinations by your dentist.

Final Thoughts

In embracing the transformative cosmetic dentistry trends of 2023, you’re taking a significant step toward achieving the captivating smile you deserve. From the elegance of dental veneers to the brilliance of teeth whitening, the comfort of Invisalign, and the natural allure of tooth-coloured fillings and dental implants, these innovations are reshaping the landscape of dental aesthetics. As the year draws to a close, consider entrusting your smile to the expertise of professionals who understand the artistry of dentistry.

For those in Toronto, ON, seeking a blend of modern techniques and personalized care, 6ix Eglinton Dental stands as a beacon of excellence, guiding you on a journey to enhance your teeth and well-being.

6ix Eglinton Dental: Best Dentist in Yonge and Eglinton

Dr. Sobhi has been practicing dentistry for over 14 years. She and her team of experienced dental professionals love helping patients achieve their healthiest and most beautiful smiles possible.

6ixEglinton Dental proudly provides comprehensive dental care in Yonge and Eglinton. Our beautiful and modern office has the latest in dental technology which assists us in providing our patients with the best care possible.

For more information about dental root canal, You can find us in Dental Yonge and Eglinton to schedule an appointment in our office, schedule an appointment online or give us a call at (416) 220-0404.

Our Locations

Are you perplexed about the dental treatment you need? Or you are concerned about which dental clinic is the right option for your dental treatment? Don’t worry we have the best dentists in town with high-tech Dental Technology services. For your convenience, we have multiple dental offices at different locations. Let us know your location and queries we will guide you to your nearest dental office. The location of the dental offices is as follows: